Dayo Garritano, '20 - Posted 11/15/2019 03:48PM
The Gaming Club will be hosting Game Nights, starting next weekend. Dayo shares more details.
Lori Kriegel - Posted 09/13/2019 01:57PM
Photo Days are on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Kriegel tells us what we need to know.
Isha Patel, '21 - Posted 02/22/2019 03:16PM
Sophomore Isha Patel is organizing a plastic bag drive to benefit a local initiative she started two years ago. Here is the letter she sent to students and faculty about how you can help.
Lulu Carone, '22 - Posted 02/15/2019 02:49PM
Catwalk for a Cure is coming soon! Check out the flyer for more details.
Lily Newman, '21, & Jillian Schnaudigel, '21 - Posted 09/14/2018 02:49PM
SafeWalk takes place on Saturday, September 30 at the Danbury Fair Mall. Lily and Jillian tell us how you can get involved, and why the cause is important.
Wooster School - Posted 09/07/2018 02:38PM
Check you class time in the 2018-19 School Photo schedule. Mr. Priedemann will be taking everyone's pictures. Be sure to show up in your scheduled time slot!
Hayden DellaCamera, '18 - Posted 03/02/2018 03:25PM
Prom is right around the corner! Hayden tells us everything we need to know.
Riley Damiano, '20 - Posted 12/01/2017 01:20PM
Riley is participating in a contest on her MyGiving Story and needs your support. Please vote every day and share so she can win $10,000 for The TLC Foundation!
Megan Rajbanshi - Posted 11/10/2017 04:15PM
Looking for community service opportunities? Here's a list of what's coming up.
Megan Rajbanshi - Posted 11/03/2017 12:44PM
Looking for community service opportunities? Here's a list of what's coming up. Plus, find out who won the Puerto Rico challenge!