My family and I always like to take a vacation in August to somewhere fun we'd like to travel to and explore. We'd usually go to California, a place that's warm and relaxing to visit. But two years ago we decided to try something different.Two years ago my family and I traveled to Ireland for our summer vacation and it was the most interesting and exciting place I've ever been to. The landscape is more beautiful than anything you've ever seen, the food tastes amazing, and the people are so kind and welcoming. Dublin was incredible to visit and I'd love to go back one day. When we came back home from Ireland we couldn't believe how much we missed it! The people over there felt like family and now we were wondering when we could go back! But after visiting Ireland I realized I would like to visit other places in Europe, too. That's when I came up with the idea to travel to London.
I had always wanted to visit London, so when I told my parents I'd like to go there during the summer of 2017, they came up with the idea to travel to Scotland as well. This got me very excited because even though I had never thought to go to Scotland, just the idea of traveling back to Europe made me happy. This led to us traveling to London and Scotland for our summer vacation last year. We spent three days in London where we explored the Tower of London, the Tower Bridge, the London Eye, the Big Ben, the Palace of Westminster, and Buckingham Palace. I have never been so excited to travel somewhere like London. And it lived up to all of my expectations. So after three days in London we headed to Scotland for ten days.
Once we left London we headed straight to Scotland for the rest of our trip. I loved Scotland with all of my heart but it was definitely different than Ireland. In Ireland the people were very warm and inviting, but when we got to Scotland we didn't feel as much warmth. Everybody there was still exceptionally nice, but we definitely felt a difference between there and Ireland. But this didn't stop us from loving everything about Scotland. We visited many castles, the cafe where Harry Potter was created, we saw the Loch Ness monster, and we saw the train that takes you to Hogwarts. So, this year, for my family and I's 2018 summer vacation, we're heading back to Ireland. But this time, we're just staying on the west coast. We're going to thoroughly explore that part of the country and I am so excited!
As you can see, I have loved every place I've traveled and for good reason. I highly recommend Ireland, Scotland, and London, as traveling musts. Now that I've been, I can't even begin to think what we would've done if we hadn't gone in the first place. Ireland is the most beautiful, interesting, and exciting place I've ever been to. London has so much history and beauty it's insane. And Scotland is probably the most old but beloved places I've ever visited. I love each place with my whole heart and can't wait to travel back!