Alumni Spotlight - Claire Gladstone '85

Name: Claire Gladstone
Hometown: Ridgefield, CT
Graduation Year: 1985
Where are you now? Currently I'm at the airport in Boise Idaho!
What are you doing? I just finished up a race series running my 79, 80 & 81st marathon. The Bear Lake Challenge is, 3 Marathons in 3 states in 3 days - Utah, Wyoming & Idaho. I'm currently working towards finishing all 50 states. Whenever possible, I tour the state Capitol if it's anywhere near the race!
What is your favorite Wooster memory? It's so hard to name just one.... I remember early years spending time with my inseparable friends Maggie Zacarra & Larry Plotkin. And of course senior year with the incredible classmates (most of whom I'm still in touch with) and teachers like Joe Grover!
What impact did your Wooster education have on you? My mother often says, Wooster made you who you are today. The education wasn't just in class, text & tests. The overall experience of interacting with people from all over the US & overseas, boarder & day students, sports, jobs, the total Wooster experience impacted me to this day. The closeness of the class of '85 is a testament to that. In 2005 I married my classmate David Gelfman!
What advice would you like to share with current Wooster students? Advice is easy to give but often hard to accept when you are in High School. Just know, this will be the best time of your life, even if it doesn't always feel that way now. It will be a time of very little responsibility, so enjoy that. Work hard, play hard, be kind, be respectful and try to learn. The world is a big place, you're getting ready to enter it soon..... enjoy the ride!